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                High Performance,TRIAC dimmable, Non-isolated Offline LED Controller


                The DX3580 is a high performance, single-stage powerfactor (PF) corrected AC/DC controller designed for off-lineTRIAC dimmable LED lighting applications.The DX3580adopts high precise LED current controlling that it is intendedfor non-isolated Buck and Buck-Boost applications.

                The DX3580 implements a unique LED currentcontrolling algorithm to maintain accurate output current regulation.The DX3580 operates in Boundary Conduction Mode(BCM) with the valley switching and power factorcorrection features to get easy Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) and low total harmonic distortion.

                The DX3580 built-in multiple protections: Softstart-up,OCP,UVLO, high temperature foldback, OVP and Output short-circuit protection.


                • Design for BUCK/BUCK BOOST topology

                • Compatible with 120VAC/230VAC phase-cut dimmers

                • Deep dimming & 0~100% dimming range

                • Built-in logarithm dimming curve

                • Lowest start up current(<100uA)

                • High Power Factor Correction(PF>0.9)

                • Low Harmonic Distortion(THD<20%)

                • Accurate current line & load regulation(<±3%)

                • Quasi-Resonant switching mode

                • Available in SOIC-8/DIP8 package

                • Protections

                  - Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit

                  - Over Current Protection

                  - Output over voltage protection

                  - Output short circuit protection

                  - High Temperature foldback

                  - Abnormal over current protect(AOCP)

                  - Soft start-up for reduced voltage & current stress


